JetPCL Service Provider is designed specifically for integration into service product applications. It is available as either a command line driven executable (on Win32 or UNIX platforms) or as a DLL (on Win32 systems). It is very easy to integrate JetPCL into existing applications from a variety of programming languages. To demonstrate, our knowledge base offers sample source code which shows how to use JetPCL with Visual C/C++/C#, Visual Basic, Microsoft .NET, Borland Delphi, Java and Perl applications. Although we provide these specific examples, JetPCL can be used with almost any system that can spawn a child process.
JetPCL Service Provider integrations can range from "business-to-business" electronic document delivery services to support of legacy systems that rely heavily on PCL generated documents, such as real estate closing packages. The possibilities are really up to your service product developers! Search our Solutions database to learn about other JetPCL Service Provider integrations.
For automated batch processing of PCL files, consider using JetPCL Batch Processing . JetPCL Batch Process (Windows Only), can be used to automate conversion of PCL data from an upstream process into image data as input into a downstream process. JetPCL Batch Process is used by customers who want to quickly add automated JetPCL processing to their systems with very little programming effort.
JetPCL installation involves creating a specific folder tree and populating it with data files required by JetPCL. It has little reliance on Windows OS features or any special INI or Registry settings. As a result, JetPCL is very easy to uninstall or move to a different location. This makes integration and maintenance very easy. JetPCL will run on many Unix and Linux platforms, such as Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, and any Red Hat compatible platform. Tech Know Systems can answer questions that might arise as to the best practice implementation of JetPCL. We can also assist with general PCL language questions or software engineering questions.